Un ragazzo e una ragazza: due mondi, due teste, due cuori?

[...] Tutto il mondo gira intorno al sesso, è inutile porsi troppe domande. Ci si nasconde sempre dietro a delle implicazioni morali per sentirsi meno in colpa ma in realtà tutti vogliamo le stesse cose, abbiamo solo un modo diverso di chiederle. Se le ragazze sul diario scrivono "Ti amo da impazzire cucciolino", i ragazzi parlando con gli amici usano espressioni più colorite ma il significato è identico.
La mentalità è diversa, come i caratteri, non è facile generalizzare e non è neppure giusto. Tutti stanno bene con una persona dell'altro sesso quindi, evidentemente, non è un grande problema questa presunta differenza, l'importante è che vada bene a noi. [...]

Marta Pellegrino
Scuola per l'Europa

A boy and a girl: two worlds, two brains, two hearts

They call us teen-agers, one name for girls and boys together, making it sound as if we were the same in the way of thinking and doing. But boys and girls live in two totally different worlds; we are totally different, mentally and obviously physically

They call us teen-agers, one name for girls and boys together, making it sound as if we were the same in the way of thinking and doing. But boys and girls live in two totally different worlds; we are totally different, mentally and obviously physically. Girls mature earlier than boys do, so when we are teenagers we are totally different than when we were children or than when we will be adults, because everybody matures when their body is ready. In my opinion girls have their brain more open towards the world; they are ready to take in new ideas or facts. While boys, when they have their own ideas, nobody can change them, they keep it in their head and stick on to it. This is only in the teen-ager yars because then this changes and we become more similar. When we are infants or adults our minds are more “joined”. From when you are infant usually your parents are the ones that guide you and you develop your ideas and thoughts all based on them, then getting older you learn more about how the world works, and from there you put together your own ideas (which always have the moral of the ones your partents taught you). We live in two different world, because boys see things one way and girls see it in another, we have different hobbies, friends, curiosity and much more. We have two different brains, because we have different types of intelligence in school, family, sport... etc. We use our brains in different ways according to how mature we are. We have two different hearts, different feelings that you can not express to anyone, they are un-explainable. Our heart is someting “secret”, because nobody knows what your heart feels except for your self.

Marta Pellegrino - Scuola per l'Europa classe IV


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