[...] Ridere e piangere non sono altro che impulsi elettronici legati a bisogni fisici ma a pensarla così non ci darebbero le emozioni che generalmente proviamo. Un abbraccio, una carezza, un bacio ma anche un semplice sguardo possono scatenare un’emozione intensa dentro di noi facendoci reagire in maniera differente gli uni dagli altri.
Rido e piango perché voglio solo sfogarmi, voglio essere libera dall’odio, dal giudizio, dalla paura.
Rido e piango perché emozionarsi fa bene all’anima, rido e piango per vivere una vita piena di vari colori, rido e piango per essere finalmente libero [...]
Emily when do you smile? - Whenever I'm happy of course.
It is said that many teenagers when they feel happy smile but 30% of them sometimes even cry because of happiness. We asked Emily Mc Adams about this. "So Emily when do you smile?" "Whenever I'm happy of course" "But you said also before something interesting, about crying out of happiness" "Yes, once, when I won a competition and had the golden medal, I feel so relieved and happy that I even cried" "And when are the other times that you cry?" "Of course when I'm sad, but also when I'm very stressed or relieved, even for movies!" "At moments in the movie when it's very sad, funny or relieving, I cry sometimes" "Does this happen to many people your age?" "I've never seen a guy cry from my age but my female friends all do the same things of me" "Why do you think guys (from your age) don't cry as often like you girls?" "I think it's because guys don't express their feelings in the same way as girls" "Thank you for you cooperation" "Your welcome, it was my pleasure" As you can see we can cry and laugh for many different things.
Yen Liem - Scuola per l'Europa - 15
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